Monday, September 17, 2012


    Do you have those freak out moments when you wish that life could rewind and you could take back the incident that just occurred? Well, I recently had one of those moments... and it was a pretty awful one.
     After a long day of attempting to homeschool my kids I felt beat down and to say the least- not worthy. My oldest had pushed my buttons until they were permanently stuck and my patience had become non-existent. Then instead of things getting better after Daddy arrived home- they just escalated to the next level.  She added one more smart-mouthed comment and I came unglued! What ensued next left her with a small red handprint close to her rear and me the feeling that she needed to be taken to the closest public school and enrolled before I strangled her. Okay so not literally but I had to go to my room and close the door to get away from it all. Once in there I realized that the bathtub still had cleaner in it from earlier in the day... thankfully cleaning calms me down and helps me think- so I started scrubbing, which led to sobbing, and eventually praying.
     Do I tell this because I am proud of it? NO, actually quite the opposite... I am appalled at my reaction! However, since that moment I have been spending time in prayer and the bible trying to figure out the root cause of my explosion moment. God is also hard at work trying to help me... every place I turn seems to be a slap in the face of the bad choice I made at that moment. So when I found out that the ladies group at church would be covering the book "Unglued" by Lysa Terkeurst I knew God had something in store for me within that group and in the pages of this book.
    Today we had our first meeting to discuss chapters 1 and 2.. can I just say- this is going to be a great book! When you can find yourself in the first chapter of a book it's usually a good indicator of something you will be able to learn from. This book addresses those "raw" emotions that all of us deal with... especially as women. So for the next 8 weeks I am opening myself up to the lesson(s) God has in store for me with this study. Along with this study I have devoted myself to an in depth study of Colossians with another group of wonderful ladies. Yes, I am ready for a detox and some deep growth.
    Please join me (if you would like) and learn what it is that really triggers your raw emotions and how God intends for you to truly handle them.
    I'm excited and ready for the improved mother and wife that will come from the knowledge I gain.

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